2010 October
Editorial: Actinides - act one, by editorial team
Keywords: editorial
Tribute to David Warkentin, by Roger Morrison, Christine Breen
Keywords: David Warkentin
Torako Yui: the miracle in Japanese homeopathy, by Akemi Tsuzuki
Keywords: homeopathy, Japan, miracle
Actinides: the hidden camera and the broken mirror, by Margriet Plouvier-Suijs
Keywords: Actinides
Neptunium nitricum: wise beyond his years, by Patricia Le Roux
Keywords: eczema, grandmother, bursting with energy, practices, wise, observe, perceive
Uranium nitricum and hereditary lymphatic leukemia, by Ulrich Welte
Keywords: hereditary lymphatic leukemia, decay and death, rising against all odds
Uranium and Iodum: a wise old child, by Deborah Collins
Keywords: congenital deformities, recurring pneumonia, wise old child, fear of fire, Hiroshima
Uraninitum and Uranium nitricum in hereditary spherocytosis, by Markus Kuntosch
Keywords: hereditary spherocytosis, old looking, x-ray vision, radiates heat
Book review: The Periodic Table in Homeopathy by Ulrich Welte, by Deborah Collins
Keywords: Periodic table, Silver series