2013 February
Autonomy, Integration, and Trauma: the Asteraceae Family, by Sally Williams
Keywords: Asteraceae
An introduction to the Asteraceae family, by Jan Scholten
Keywords: autonomy, integrity, wound, trauma, accident, threat, integration, individuation, integrity, boundaries, resistance, self-worth, infection, fever
A proving of Gaillardia aristata; Blanketflower, by Matilde Flores
Keywords: Gaillardia aristata, Blanketflower, Frida Kahlo, survival, strength, inner fire, blood, birth, nurturing resource, mournful longing, broken heart, broken structures, broken bones, lost identity
A proving of Cosmos bipinnatus, by Patricia Maher
Keywords: Cosmos, alienated, out there, outer space, the cosmos, stars, carrying secrets
Moonbeam coreopsis: a trituration proving of Coreopsis verticillata, by Sally Williams
Keywords: Asteraceae, coreopsis, helpful, generous, joy, sadness, hiding, unloved, unseen, pissed off, anger
Trod on and comes up smiling: a case of Bellis perennis, by Marty Begin
Keywords: trauma, injury, sexual abuse, anxiety, guarded, boundaries, own-person, cancer miasm
I see auras: a case of Nabalus serpentaria, by Nancy Frederick
Keywords: seeing auras, fibromyalgia, trauma, accidents, head injury, abuse, autonomy, snake root, Asteraceae
Jan Scholten's Periodic System of Plants, by Carol Jones
Keywords: Jan Scholten, periotic system, Wonderful Plants, APG classification