A girl with mononucleosis
The intake took place in December 2007. Anna is an 11 year old girl, who came with her mother for consultation with a diagnosis of mononucleosis. She is very tired, with heavy eyes, and shortness of breath during gymnastics. She has been tested positive for mononucleosis. She is in grade eight at school and is a serious student. She continues to go to school because she does not want to miss any exams. She has been advised to go on to the highest forms of secondary schooling,preliminary to university education. She loves animals and would like to become a veterinarian.
When she is ill, she is very pale and has dark rings under her eyes, like her mother. It is difficult for her to slow down and difficult for her to fall asleep at night. In the mornings, she is very tired and has problems getting out of bed. Every winter she has sore throats with a slightly raised temperature, around 38°C, and swollen adenoids, which prevent her attending school.
Medical history:
Pseudo-croup at 12 months. She is allergic to cats and rats; she gets red eyes, swollen eyelids, and she sneezes.
According to her mother, she is too hard on herself. “She keeps going on even when she is too tired.” She is independent and wants to do things for herself, such as studying for her exams. She is helpful and alert, and assists her mother in the household of her own accord, when her mother is busy. Her mother says that she has few friends – friendships don’t flow easily, as others find her bossy. Her sister is jealous of her – Anna tends to simply ignore her sister when she makes irritating comments.
Anna is very sensitive to the suffering of animals. She has, therefore, chosen to become a vegetarian two years ago. She does, however, eat fish and cheese, and drink milk.
Colour preferences (Ulrich Welte):
1. 24C
2. 4C
3. 17C
This is a classic example of Carcinosinum: a child with a strong sense of responsibility, who loves animals, music, and dancing. As a baby she was “perfect” (perfection being a strong characteristic of Carcinosinum) and, of course, she comes with a diagnosis of mononucleosis, for which Carcinosinum is one of the main remedies.
6 weeks after one dose of Carcinosinum 200K, she is less tired and can get up more easily in the morning. She has taken her parents’ advice to temporarily stop physical education at school, as well as horse-back riding and soccer. She has fewer sore throats but is still having difficulties falling asleep. Carcinosinum is repeated in 200K.
Two months later: she is much less tired and has no more problems falling asleep at night. Her concentration at school is much better and she is getting high marks on her school tests. She is back to practicing sports.
Alex Leupen (1959) has been working closely with Jan Scholten and six other homeopathic doctors at the Homeopathic Doctor’s Centre in Utrecht since 1990. The centre specialises in working with the system of the periodic table, plant families, the animal kingdom, and nosodes.
Keywords: mononucleosis, perfection, carcinosinum
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