2006 October

Conium, Case of menorrhagia, treated with

by Dr. Pawan Pareek
Case of menorrhagia
• A 14 year old convent educated Muslim girl was suffering from continuous bleeding [menorrhagia] for the last 4 months.
• The patient was admitted in a hospital and was on a Anti-hemorrhagic drug like regestrone.
• Bleeding switched over to the flooding of blood.

Investigation before treatment
• Uterus in normal in shape size and echotexture.
• Endometrial thickness 6 mm.
• There was a well developed solid hypo to isoechoic mass of size 11.9x9.9x7.2 cm. seen in right adenexal region.
• LT ovary normally seen.

RIGHT SIDED LARGE OVARIAN MASS most probably a malignant one.
PATIENT ADVISED HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE• Homeopathic medicine! What nonsense.
• SECALE COR 200 One drop in one TSF of water was administered.
• Few hours later flooding of blood reduced.
• 24 hours later bleeding stopped completely.

• Once again the bleeding started with reduced intensity with severe backache.
• Trillium Pendulum Q8, 8 drops twice daily was prescribed.
• Secale cornutum 200 every 4th day continued at bed time.

Investigation during treatment
Cancer 125 (cancer antigen 125): 4.1 U/ml.
• Smears are blood mixed, but cellular showing discrete as well as clusters of moderately Pleomorphic cells. The nuclei have clumped chromatic and prominent nucleoli occasional glandular configuration seen.
• Overall are features are suggestive of malignant Ovarian tumor, possibly ADENOCARCINOMA.

Every science has its own limitation, so is the case with homoeopathy. If ignorantly we go beyond limitation, serious complication may arise. This may warrant a bad name to both the physician as well to the profession.
• Right ovariotomy done.
• Left ovarian wedge biopsy taken.
• Omentum biopsy taken.

Investigation biochemistry
• LDH-699 U/ml (313-618)
• Alfa feto protein 2.271 (5.8-11.3)
• Beta(B)HCG 16.74 MIU/ml (<5.00)
Tumor cells are in clusters and groups are separate by fibrous strands. Lymphocytic infiltration is present among the tumour cells and in fibrous bands.
• OMENTUM not infiltrated by malignant cell.

3 months after treatment
(CECT Abdomen and pelvis)
• Heterogenously enhancing right germ cell tumor (5x3 cm) solid cystic mass seen with its epicenter in the region of left adenexa.
• Superiorly the mass reaches the pelvis near to left psoas muscle.
• IMPRESSION known case of GCT(R) ovary {Germ cell tumor} Post operative.
Plan for first cycle B E P - chemotherapy

Homeopathy came to her rescue
Conium maculatum 10M every 10th day at bed time was prescribed.
Placebo 30 TDS was prescribed.

Investigation during treatment
Two physiological cysts, 28x24 and 27x16 mm, were seen in left adenexal region.
Two cysts of 25x12 mm and 27x11 mm were seen in right adenexal region.
Patient gained strength, confidence and was able to sustain mental and physical strain.
Same medicine repeated.

After 5 months of treatment
• Uterus is normal in size and measures 6.8 x 3.8 x 3.2 cm. It is anteverted.
• Uterine cavity is empty. Mymometrium is homogenous. There is no mass or fibroid.
• Left ovary is normal in size.
• There was no adenexal mass and no retroperitoneal lymphnode enlargement.

• Cancer is not local, but a constitutional disease and the dreaded tumor is merely its local manifestation.
• The surgeon if he considers the growth malignant or suspicious, employs the knife or Radium. The result of this diversion of responsibility is disastarous to the cancer patient.
• However they refuse to investigate the cancer cures of homoeopaths.
• Homoeopaths have to their credit a large number of undoubted cures of cancer declared absolutely incurable.

• The domination of the surgeon is particularly striking in the realm of gynecology.
• The female uterus is looked upon as a malignant growth. The castration of relatively young woman is being done daily throughout the world. They overlook the fact that the damage done becomes apparent only after years in serious forms.
• No organ can become diseased without the preceding disturbance of the life principle. Homoeopathy does not recognize the uterine cavity merely as a component of the human reproductive system, but always recognizes the totality comprising of the mental sphere, habits, past and family history which requires much patience and labor, but the results are outstanding.
• By carefully choosing a remedy in the Materia Medica in strict accordance with the principles laid down by Hahnemann, one can provide much better service to the suffering humanity.

Dr. Pawan Pareek - Agra - India

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: menorrhagia, Conium maculatum


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Dr. mihir kumar saha
Posts: 5
Selection of the remedy- conium maculatum
Reply #1 on : Fri August 19, 2016, 15:15:01
you have not mentioned the symptoms which lead you to select the medicine as the remedy.