Editorial: healing the inner wild
This month I am excited to present the work of the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in Minneapolis, Minnesota (US). The Academy was founded in 1993 by Eric Sommermann, Valerie Ohanian and Laurie Dack. Their vision was to create a program that would nurture students to become professional homeopaths. At the culmination of each class, students were encouraged to participate in double-blind homeopathic provings. Jason-Aeric Huenecke finished his training at the Academy in 2005 and became Sommermann’s protégé and the Administrative Director for the Academy. Sommermann trained Huenecke in the art and science of homeopathic provings and, following Sommermann’s tragic death in March 2007, Huenecke continued the Academy’s efforts to provide modern homeopathic provings.
In this issue of Interhomeopathy we are delighted to share four of the Academy’s animal provings, plus cases supporting each remedy’s efficacy. First, we present the Academy’s initial proving by Sommermann: Canada goose egg (Branta canadensis ovum); a beautiful proving with symptoms of grief, transition and awkwardness with a substantiating case by Kimberly Robey. Next, we offer the proving of Sheep’s milk (Lac ovinum) along with an incredible case of Fuchs' dystrophy by Mary Lu Nelson. It is a remedy I wish I had had in my arsenal when I was treating cloistered nuns in the 90’s. The feelings of self-sacrifice, duty, responsibility, the desire to help, the fear of exile and exhaustion are prevalent in their culture. Third, an interesting proving of Snapping turtle egg (Chelydra serpentina ovum) and a corroborating case of abuse with a strong desire for protection, presented by Margaret Ann Nelson. Lastly, we offer the proving and a heartfelt case of Common loon (Gavia immer), by Jason-Aeric Huenecke.
We hope you enjoy this month’s contributions. I would like to dedicate this issue of Interhomeopathy as a tribute to Eric Sommermann and his wonderful legacy. He was a pioneer, and because of his vision, homeopaths in North America have support and credibility through NASH (North American Society of Homeopaths), an organization Eric co-founded. I also want to commend Jason-Aeric Huenecke for his dedication and commitment to continue the work Eric began. To read all of the provings by the Northwestern Academy in their entirety please go to http://www.homeovista.org/provings/.
Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial
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