Editorial: the love of diversity
In our third series of articles for Interhomeopathy, we again present a variety of remedy sources. Nature loves variety, probably because it is the best way to develop and maintain harmony at the same time.
Recently, I have recently attended public discussions with allopathic doctors and lawyers, mostly students of law and medicine, and I felt a strong desire on the part of our opponents to declare conventional medicine to be the only “real” medicine, denying any alternative methods of healing regardless of the fact that conventional medicine is so frequently failing to restore the health of patients.
An essential characteristic
of our school of homeopathy in Bratislava, from which all the authors of this issue graduated, is to be
practical and pluralistic. Accordingly, you will find cases using classical
repertorisation (Cuprum metallicum), Jan Scholten´s plant system (Nuphar luteum, Squilla maritima,
Lobelia inflata), the understanding of the Carbon series by Mahesh Gandhi
(Nitrogen), and a Lac equinum case where the pattern was found using Philip
Bailey´s experience. The Synergy method of Rajan Sankaran was applied in a case
of Falco, using the work of Louis Klein and Markus Kuntosch. In practice, we also
often use Boenninghausen´s method and Sehgal's method, though these were not
applied in the cases presented here.
I like to compare these
different approaches to the various images we can see by changing the focus of
our mental telescope. Diseases create a pattern that can be understood on
different levels of meaning. Sometimes, it is clear to the naked eye – the patient
resonates with a specific source, as in Falco, other times, it is much more
hidden in symbolic meanings. There, it is necessary to apply more subtle tools in
order to connect the hidden pattern with the level to which our remedies belong.
One of the opponents in
the above mentioned discussions declared that homeopathy remained the same as
it was one hundred years ago. What an erroneous judgment! We are very happy to
live in these times when so many new developments in the field of homeopathy
are taking place and our unique personal experiences are shared with all.
Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial
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