2012 September

Editorial: the wondrous world of the Noble Gases

by Deborah Collins

This month’s issue focuses on the noble gases, which have only relatively recently been introduced into homeopathic use. For a long time it was considered that they would not be useful as remedies since they are inert and do not combine with other elements, until Jan Scholten, in unravelling the secrets of the periodic table, realised that this non-reactivity was exactly their key characteristic. Their position in stage 18, the last stage of the periodic table, means that they are in a state of rest and repose, no longer in search of another electron in order to feel complete. They are turned in on themselves and have little need for communication; this can make them excellent remedies for the autistic state (especially Helium). As Jan points out, Xenon would be an ideal anaesthetic, were it not so expensive: it puts people into an “out of body” state, with very few side-effects in comparison to the traditionally used drugs. Where we, in the past, used Opium for problems following anaesthetics, Jan these days uses homeopathic Xenon with better results.

The noble gases are often used in lighting, such as the well-known neon tubes, light bulbs, blue automobile headlights, and in lighthouses. One could call the noble gases “remedies of enlightenment”, being complete in themselves and not needing anyone else. But humans are, after all, social animals, needing human interaction, and a good prescription can bring someone off their mountaintop and into the nitty-gritty of life, the testing place for true enlightenment.

Jeremy Sherr has used the noble gases as a starting point in explaining the periodic table, pointing out that these elements provide the clues to understanding the other elements of the same series: each noble gas occupies the place that the other elements of that series ‘strive for’. To this end, Jeremy has been conducting provings of the noble gases since 1993, starting with Neon and then continuing with the others. As he points out, a proving provides information that is surprising, insights that one would not even think of when considering a certain element, such as the image of a hedgehog in Chocolate, or tigers and panthers in Diamond. It also provides the much-needed physical symptoms necessary to confirm our prescriptions. He aims to prove as many elements of the periodic table as possible and has meanwhile written a series of books on the noble gases, complete with cases, which are soon to be published.

These two different approaches, Jan’s overview of the periodic table and Jeremy’s specific information, enrich our homeopathic understanding and broaden our possibilities for prescription. Despite this, there are still relatively few cases of noble gases in our literature. This is perhaps inherent to the gases themselves – the people needing them tend to keep to themselves and might not seek treatment, or maybe we are not yet experienced enough at recognising these hidden states. Helen Renoux from France has conducted a new proving of Helium, which provides fresh insights into the remedy, making it come alive even more. Hopefully, this issue will help homeopaths to recognise noble gas cases amongst their patients and to inspire them to write up their successful cases in order to further increase our knowledge and use of these wondrous remedies. We look forward to receiving any cases that are available, with a suitably long follow-up, with the aim of publishing another issue on the noble gases in the near future.

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial, noble gases, lighting, enlightenment, anaesthetic


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Deborah Collins
Posts: 6
Reply #3 on : Wed May 15, 2013, 13:17:55
Dear Peter, a very good question. You are right, these remedies are extremely important, so we are waiting with baited breath for Jeremy Sherr's books on the noble gases to come out. The first one, on Helium, has just been published.
Radon comes free after earthquakes, and can probably be effective in dealing with some of the deeper after-effects and unsettling situation that occurs, a combination of the radioactive series feeling of "falling apart" and the noble gases "not here, not there". I am not aware of provings yet, but I think it would be good to put it to use even without provings, perhaps working backwards: first the cases, then the provings! Best wishes, Deborah
Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 13:22:57 by *  
Peter G Smith RSHom
Posts: 6
Reply #2 on : Wed May 15, 2013, 05:24:14
Interesting article. Do you know of a proving or articles on Radon? Very many of us are exposed to this naurally occurring radioactive gas, that has connections with Rad. Brom, Uranium, Granite etc. I suspect there are many people needing noble gases and in the current extreme radioactive era, this particular transforming noble gas must have an important homeopathic role to play.

Posts: 6
Reply #1 on : Sat September 01, 2012, 15:09:18
GREAT issue Deborah!! Thank you and Patricia for all your amazing work keeping this journal alive and well!