January 2014

Editorial: well-known remedies for severe pathologies

by Meghna Shah

Dear Friends,

On behalf of ‘The other song’, International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy, we are very pleased to share with you some cases and the wonderful results achieved by our team of consultants, some among the leading homeopaths of our generation.  

Each case shows the unique approach of the consultant, demonstrating his understanding and his style of case-taking. Most of the cases seen at the academy are solved on the grounds of integrating our system-based knowledge: kingdoms, newer miasms, and levels of understanding, with the symptom-based knowledge of materia medica, provings, and repertories. The cases presented in this issue are mainly of severe pathology treated with well-known remedies, showing that we need not always resort to little known or even unknown remedies to find a deep cure. All we need, sometimes, is a different approach, which enables us to make use of the lesser known aspects of a remedy.  

We have two cases from Rajan Sankaran: one patient suffering from ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpurae) and another patient suffering from Meige’s syndrome, a rare disorder. In both cases, simple well-known remedies were prescribed. The beauty of these cases is the approach: the synergy of the genius, system, and symptom. With the evolution of the Sensation approach, we have now reached a stage where when we integrate our understanding of symptoms with the system – it leads to a much greater clarity in the understanding of cases and also brings us very close to the similimum with much more ease and confidence

Then, we have a wonderful case by Jayesh Shah, of a fifty-year-old extremely lean and emaciated policeman, accompanied by his wife! He was suffering from neurosis, bordering on psychosis. It was interesting to see how this man’s gross physical incapacities and his inability to take responsibility pointed to one part of the remedy. The other part of the remedy showed up in his deep sense of guilt, the feeling that he was neglecting his duty and the feeling of being pursued. By ‘dissecting’ the case in such a way, we can recognize the components of the case, and easily find a remedy that matches the whole case, even if we might not know the remedy as such. The remedy brought a significant change in this man, who was almost on verge of collapse.

The case treated by Dinesh Chauhan demonstrates exactly this, an unusual aspect of a known remedy. The patient is an extremely loquacious four-year-old boy who, when allowed a free-floating and non-judgmental space, expressed very beautifully his sensitivity to touch, to pain, and to being injured. This led to the Compositae family, which was also recognized in various other aspects of his life, such as the dreams and images he used to express himself. Once the family was confirmed, it was important to trace a remedy which has the peculiar loquacity and joyfulness, which was the most notable characteristics in the child. After studying the remedies in this family, Dinesh and his team of residents at the academy came across a particular one, which healed the young boy not only of his presenting complaints but also changed his long standing unpleasant feelings towards his father and grandmother into more loving relationship.

This issue includes more cases from Jayesh Shah and our other senior consultants, Sujit Chatterjee and Shekhar Algundgi.

We hope this issue will help us in our learning and understanding of patients and take us a step forward to become better homoeopaths and healers of this wonderful science!

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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