2012 February

Editorial: in the company of Lacs

by Pat Deacon

The cases that Iain Marrs, my co-editor, and I assembled for this issue began, appropriately, with the Milks and then spun out in a couple of other directions from there. The process has been a great pleasure for both of us.

I often seek out published cases for interested patients who would like to understand what I see in them that led to my prescriptions. Aside from discussing the remedies, I find that reading about another person’s experience can bring it home at a different level. Often, it leads those patients to new discoveries within themselves.

This is part of why I am loving the experience of working on Interhomeopathy. I have a chance to elicit cases from among my circles of colleagues and associates in order to expand Interhomeopathy’s fabulous online database.

One area where I have found very few published cases is the Lacs. It is not too hard to find a Lac humanum, Lac maternum or Lac caninum case online. The newer milks, though, have not been written up as often. I believe they are essential pieces in a good homeopathic tool kit. As James Tyler Kent stated, “All the milks should be potentized, they are our most excellent remedies; they are animal products and foods of early animal life and therefore correspond to the beginning of our innermost physical nature.”  

Accordingly, this issue began with the attempt to expand a bit in this area, beginning with Jessica Jackson’s lovely “words straight from the patient” case and with my own little patient and his story. Maria Reid’s great review of Patricia Hatherly’s new book will hopefully encourage more homeopaths to embrace the lesser-known milks.

Doug Brown’s case, though not of a milk, was certainly derived from a related substance, and in a very interesting way indeed. It expands our wonder at homeopathy in several new directions.

Paul Labrèche gives a new angle to an old favourite remedy - from a category we often do not hear about in Interhomeopathy.

Enjoy the read!














Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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