2007 March

Mobile phone

by Anne Wirtz
A woman, born in 1974, came to see me because her hair has fallen out since the birth of her second child two years ago. She breastfed him for 6 months.
She has been to several doctors and the tests did not show any abnormalities. For some time she took Ferrogradumet without result.
She suffers from headaches around her menses, which is quite irregular after the last parturition; it can be twice a month. She feels very nervous 4 to 5 days before the bleeding starts. Her nipples discharge some drops of ‘water’ from time to time and her breast are swollen periodically.
She has two children, the first 8 years of age. Originally she comes from a Mediterranean country and in the first years of her marriage she traveled to and fro. It was a difficult time. She longed for her country, her family and old friends in the village and the lifestyle. After she was able to speak Dutch and found a job things got better, it distracted her from the homesickness.
"During the second pregnancy things got worse because of problems with my parents in law who had a marriage crisis and both called us constantly to ask for mediation. It still nerves me when I think of it. My son came 5 weeks early because of that stress. Ringing of the telephone can bring it back… my mother in law still complains all the time when I see her … It gives me headaches which stay all night, since then I take Paracetamol regularly.
The relationship with my husband is difficult. We are in love, but so different in everything. We never agree, quarreling leads to nothing … it gives a lot of tension like charged of electricity and I do not get it out of my mind. There is no solution.
I cannot concentrate any more. I make lists and then forget about the lists."

For 2 years she has used a mobile-phone. She wants to be reachable at any time in case the school of her daughter might call or her family from abroad ….
"What me worries the most is the loosing of my hair and then the headache, I have to help myself. I am a serous woman and very sensitive. When I see a child crying on TV I feel terrible and it is getting worse. I loose my patience much more easily with anybody, also with my children.
My job is finished some time ago because the hotel where I worked has been sold. When my son is 4 years old I will look for a job again. I need to be occupied."

‘Some times per month when I get up and it can take ½ an hour before it is gone.’
‘I am tired quite early and I get up frequently during the night, after 3.00 to 5.00 I cannot sleep anymore.
Dreams I cannot remember. Usually I am tired in the morning and in general.
I am very thirsty with a dry throat and like to drink water.
I like skiing in the mountains near my home village and talking with my youth friends who still live there. My husband likes the city.
My orientation is very much worse the last months.’

What is obvious in this case is the oversensitivity to visual and acoustic impressions and the electric-charged-feeling, vertigo and diminished orientation and memory.
The need for the mobile phone (since about 2 years, around the time her complaints started!!) to be reachable anytime made me think of the remedy Mobile-phone.
Discussed by Louis Klein in his seminar ‘Imponderables’.
In this case too the patient happened to be an immigrant, which was the case in the Magnetis-video’s Louis showed to us.

(The interesting question is; Are immigrant people more sensitive to radiation and magnetic remedies? We will see if we have more experience with them.)

I gave her MOBILE PHONE 200K (from Helios, proved by Nuala Eising).

Follow-up after 5 weeks

‘I feel much better, the tension in my head is a lot less.
No problems around the menses. My sleep is not 100%. About twice a week I wake up early, but I fall asleep again thereafter.
I dream about the village of my parents. We bought a house there for my children. They have justed start to build it.
My hair does not fall out anymore, but I would like the lost hair replaced. It is less beautiful now, it reminds me of a decay. I am afraid to get old here without my family. The homesickness is less urging and I am looking for occupation. My family and friends cannot be replaced; here I only have colleagues or acquaintances.
I realized how important my sisters and friends are to me since I am living in this country. They meet often because they live close by. I miss that and I have no help or back-up from anyone for my children, my husband works too much.
My concentration is a lot better, my energy too.
The headaches are practically gone, it was like electrical tension between my eyes.’

I gave her one dose of PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM 200K, because of the homesickness and to invite her hair to grow back on her head.

Till now there has been no reason to see her again.

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: mobile phone


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Posts: 19
Reply #3 on : Fri February 27, 2009, 23:07:46
Dear Anne,

Could you please indicate the date of the first intake?

-Diderik Finne

Posts: 19
Reply #2 on : Tue March 06, 2007, 11:23:12
Roger Dyson did a presentation at the <a href="http://www.irishhomeopathyconference.com/">Irish Conference on Homeopathy</a> in Galway last year where he used Kinesiology to demonstrate the weakening effect mobile phone radiation had on a volunteer.

This was partially negated by affixing a piece of copper to the phone and completely negated by using the potentised colour remedy <em>Green</em>. The colour remedy <em>Spectrum</em> is also effective for this and other types of radiation such as electromagnetism and geopathic stress.

Posts: 19
Reply #1 on : Sun March 04, 2007, 12:52:27
Only now, I am aware of the remedy 'mobile phone',Thank you. This clearly indicates the need for 'continuing medical education' .