2010 December

Natrium silicatum: collapse of relationships

by Dietmar Payrhuber

B., a sixty five year old woman, diagnosed with urothelial carcinoma, came for a consultation in June 2006. She was somewhat shocked by the diagnosis and was in a desperate state with a lot of underlying fear. All the experts recommended a radical resection of the bladder. Bravely fighting back her fears, she requested an alternative approach.

B. has two daughters and worked in her own butcher shop. Widowed in 1998, she had a new partner who died of pancreatic cancer in January 2006 and whom she nursed until his death. After his passing, she went on anti-depressants. Around that time bright blood and bacteria were discovered in her urine, and then the diagnosis of bladder cancer was made (pTaG3, PUC high grade). The cystoscopy revealed about 10 pea-sized tumours.

The patient is a delicate, fragile and chilly person. She is rather nervous and anxious, easily excited and very precise in her details. On reviewing her history, we see many traits that could lead us to Silica. 

Medical history:

Recurrent tonsillitis; constipation, stool slips back, hemorrhoids; blood pressure crises, (RR 145/100), tachycardia and arrhythmia; pain in cervical and occipital region extending upwards to the eye; problems with her back, cervical region; pain in ankles and fingers joints; cysts in both breasts; uterine myoma and subsequent hysterectomy; dental root abscess. 

On further investigation, we find symptoms that can help us to fine-tune the remedy. Although she is chilly, she does not tolerate the sun and is sensitive to humid weather, both of which can lead to Natrium silicatum. She desires vegetables, cheese, fish, rice, and potatoes but eat almost no meat or sausage. The sadness in her life – the emotional rupture concerning family relationships – can point to a Natrium salt.

Natrium is the first element in the third row of the periodic table; according to Jan Scholten this series relates to family relationships and the struggles found there. Natrium, at stage one, represents relationships that are impulsive, simple, and natural, with a tendency to break. She suffered from two major losses in her relationships: her husband died suddenly during heart surgery and her next partner died from pancreatic cancer. Looking at her family history, we see that ‘family’ is very important to her: her whole life is centered on family relationships. Until her tenth year, her childhood was good, then her father was sent to war and was made a prisoner. He later suffered from gout and rheumatism. The parents moved and established their own business. They struggled financially and lived in a damp and chilly house. She had a disabled sister (Down syndrome), who died of pneumonia. Her mother suffered from leg ulcers and liver cancer.

She married, had two daughters, and enjoyed a harmonious relationship with her husband, though she found her mother and father-in-law, who lived in the same house, dominant and difficult to deal with. Translated in homeopathic terms we see a Silica person (stage ten of the third row), whose situation is determined by the collapses of her relationships (Natrium, stage one of the third row.)

Prescription: Silica LM9 and LM12; Natrium silicatum C30 and 200 to be used depending on the effect of the previous remedy; Natrium Muriaticum C200 infrequent doses; Staphysagria C30, when undergoing cystoscopies.

In May 2006, the patient underwent a transurethral resection (TUR) of the tumours. Three months later, the tumours recurred and the urologist performed a second TUR and administered an intravesical injection of BCG. The patient declined radical resection of the bladder despite urgent recommendations by the urologists and decided to follow the prescription of homeopathic remedies.

In November 2006, the histological examination reveals an erosive urocystitis, but no signs of malignancy were found.

The patient did not make any follow-up appointments as her condition seemed to have stabilised. In April 2010, I had a telephone contact with the patient, who confirmed her state of well-being. She is doing well and has no more complaints.

Photos: Wikipedia
Dune blanche Algérie (near Ideles); Florence Devouard
Albite a sodium containing mineral. Locality : Pfitsch pass, Zamser Grund (Zams valley), Ziller valley, North Tyrol, Tyrol, Austria; Didier Descouens

Keywords: urothelial carcinoma, emotional rupture, collapse of relationships,
Remedies: Natrium muriaticum, natrium silicatum, Staphysagria


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Posts: 4
nat-sil case, answer
Reply #2 on : Thu December 09, 2010, 16:05:57
Consultation in June 2006. All the experts recommended a radical resection of the bladder (high risk: multifocal, histological diagnosis high grade).
In August 2006, an urologist performed another transurethral resection of the recurrance of the tumours and on October 31 an intravesical injection of cytotoxic material, Minocyn and of BCG.
November 2006: Histological examination reveals an erosive urocystitis, but no signs of malignancy.

The colleague prescribed the above mentioned remedies according to the symptoms of the patient for several months, Staphysagria C30 symptomatically. The average dose was C30 once a day. He also gave trace elements, nutritional supplements and vitamins for years.
Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 06:23:10 by *  

Posts: 4
what remedies in which order ?
Reply #1 on : Fri December 03, 2010, 10:21:20
Dear Dietmar Payrhuber,
Is it possible to get the order in which she took those remedies, including the reaction that made this order plausible?
Thanks for your clarification!
Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 19:56:49 by *