Panorama: seminars and books
Homeopathy for Anger and Mortification by Massimo Mangialavori
Complaints due to anger and mortification – an everyday issue in homeopathic practice. Mortification
can be expressed as a feeling of shame, wounded honour, or loss of self-confidence.
The famous Italian homeopath Massimo Mangialavori describes in this work the most important homeopathic remedies that have proved particularly useful for these problems in his practice. He highlights especially the less well-known and often forgotten remedies.
He presents impressive cases of Ipecacuanha, Senega officinalis, and Magnetis polus australis, differentiating these in detail from other remedies such as Ferrum magneticum, Antimonium tartaricum, Chelidonium, Ignatia, the Bromine, and Chlorine salts, Paris quadrifolia, Chamomilla, Staphisagria as well as the Scrophulariaceae and Liliaceae.
Massimo Mangialavori is known for his graphic remedy descriptions in which he brings out the essential nuances of homeopathic remedies in a concise and vivid way. This handy booklet is a great opportunity to get to know the working methods of Massimo Mangialavori in this important area.
Table of Plants by Michal Yakir
The book "Table of Plants - Wondrous Order" is currently being translated into English and is expected by the end of 2013. In the meantime, this short table is available. The table summarises the concepts of the book, giving the main qualities of each family and order of plants according to its position in the table.
Similarly like the periodic table, the botanical system can be used as a basis for homeopathic prescribing. The homeopath Michal Yakir, a former botanist, uses the Cronquist system and has developped a logical and easy to use way of applying the plant system to homeopathy. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.
The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.
The columns (botanical sub-classes) portray a journey of differentiation and independence from the state of oneness, from the wholeness of “self”, toward formation of an individual ego: from unity to separation, first from the feminine element, later on from masculine element, receiving the teaching and issues of each. Contenting with those elements allows departure from the ego closure and advancement toward relationship with “the other” and interaction and contact with the outer world: From union and oneness to a differentiated ego, able to cooperate as individual with the collective.
The rows (the orders, the botanical groups within each column) describe stages of development and maturation in each column, starting with pre-birth, through infancy, childhood and adolescence until maturity and old age.
The grouping of rows and columns: Every phase of ego separation from the self is experienced within the column in different levels of development, and is expressed accordingly.
Birds - Homeopathic remedies from the Avian realm by Jonathan Shore
A phenomenal modern contribution to homeopathy, 'Birds: Homeopathic Reme- dies from the Avian Realm', introduces the reader to sixteen homeopathic remedies from the bird kingdom: Brown Pelican, Scarlet Macaw, Ring Dove/Woodpigeon, Red- Tailed Hawk, Great Horned Owl, Great Blue Heron, Bald Eagle, Raven, Peregrine Falcon, Saker Falcon, Turkey Vulture, Andean Condor, Humboldt Penguin, Swan, and Wandering Albatross. This well researched, well-indexed book about homeopathic remedies made from bird substances, such as feathers, integrates scientific facts; bird characteristics, scientific nomenclature, physiognomy and physiology, with homeopathic themes and essences.
Dr. Shore includes a detailed description of the trituration/proving process utilised. The resulting proving information is not just lists of symptoms but is much more process oriented. He includes transcribed interviews with provers, in a group setting. This renders the proving material well-formatted and readable! The proving sections are accompanied. by prominent rubrics, and related remedies to compare.
Another strong component of this text are the cases. These act as background information and colourfully enliven the remedy pictures. These allow or a better understanding of the remedies and assist the reader in taking a giant step forward, toward shedding light on the nature of this family of remedies. This book is an excellent resource and instructional tool. In the clinic setting, its use is heightened by detailed 'prescribing tips'. 'Birds: Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian Realm', sets the bar higher for future homeopathic texts.
Further readability ensues with nice inclusions of supportive or illustrative information including; 3 poem, Falcon Freedom by a ten-yr-old boy after receiving Falco-p; excerpts from books, fictional and scientific, related to birds; mythology; symbolism; and natural history.
This user-friendly tool is a valuable, innovative resource. Its sky blue front and back covers enclose flap pages decorated by nice Audubon-style drawings of included birds with individual birds on related section page borders for easier location. Innovative formatting is best explained by the introductory note which is marked by a feather icon: 'it is our hope that this format will permit the reader in the first instance to easily recognise when a patient needs a bird remedy, and in the second instance, to do a thorough differential analysis to find the specific bird.'
'Birds: Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian Realm' reflects the depth and breath of the bird kingdom and its beauty. I came away with the feeling that by tapping into the healing resources bird remedies offer, I am able to more fully understand my humanness.'
The scientifically intuitive case witnessing process: the journey of three steps by Dinesh Chauhan
One of the biggest achievements for a homoeopathic doctor is reaching a comprehensive understanding of his patients so that he can find a simillimum for them. And this is where the importance of case taking comes in Dinesh's scientifically intuitive case witnessing process (a uniquely designed case taking model) helps a homoeopath reach the deepest core of the patient with relative ease. The entire process is completely scientific, human-centric, simple, and reproducible. Furthermore, anyone, be that a traditional classical homoeopath or a contemporary classical homoeopath, can make use of the CWP with ease and success.
Categories: Reviews
Keywords: Panorama
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