April 2014

Panorama: seminars and books

by Editor

Seminar on Mammal remedies with Jonathan Hardy 

11th and 12th of April 2014 in Toulouse, France

Seminar given in English with French translation

The Société de Médecine Homéopathique de Midi-Pyrénées (SMHMP) warmly invites you to an inspiring seminar on the Mammals by Jonathan Hardy.

Jonathan Hardy is one of the most prominent teachers of “today’s homeopathy”. His in-depth knowledge of material medica and repertorisation allows him to associate the best of traditional homeopathy with the cutting-edge ideas of leading homeopaths, such as Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. Moreover, his training as a zoologist gives him a particular “feeling” for the animal kingdom. It is, however, his skills as a teacher which make him a particularly sought after lecturer for he is able to make the most difficult cases clear and easily understandable. His lively clinical cases speak for themselves and his results are a homage to homeopathy.

A promising seminar not to be missed!

For all information, please click on the link of the seminar above.



Seminar with Jan Scholten in German language: Wunderbare Pflanzen

24.-25. January 2015 in Bad Bellingen, Germany.

An in-depth introduction to the plant system of Jan Scholten.

Further information




Wonderful Plants by Jan Scholten




After many years of intensive research, Jan Scholten’s long-awaited book on the taxonomy of plants, Wonderful Plants, is now available in English. Jan Scholten’s previous works on the systematic classification of the elements of the periodic table as homeopathic remedies was the greatest breakthrough of the last ten years in homeopathy. His discoveries have been confirmed in thousands of successful cases. Yet, the main thrust of Jan Scholten’s research is not the Mineral but the Plant kingdom. This can easily be seen in the thoroughness and precision of the information offered in his monumental new work.

The same natural laws that can be seen in the series and stages of the periodic table also underlie the taxonomic system of the enormously varied plant families. The path to the required remedy is not as easy to recognize as with the mineral elements – indeed, it is still evolving! One of the timeless values of this work lies in the essences of the plant families.





Card Plant Theory map by Jan Scholten





Jan Scholten's overview table of the periodic table of the elements for the selection of homeopathic remedies. A “desktop version of the elements". This table contains the keywords of all series and stages in summary form. Sankaran's 10 miasms, which correspond to the stages, are also featured in the table. The reverse side contains additional keynotes for the individual elements. The table has a durable plastic coating, making it ideal for everyday use.




Minerals in Plants by Jan Scholten






Tabular results of mineral analysis in medicinal plants. The percentage accumulation of the individual minerals is compared to the average content in all plants. This enables us to easily spot particularly high or low mineral values. The similarity in the remedy pictures of many medicinal plants and certain minerals is emphasized using known cases. So the high iron content of Arnica, for example, is well-known. This highlights many new, as yet unknown connections. This is especially useful to assign individual members of a plant family to the 18 stages of the periodic table of the elements.





An insight into Plants by Rajan Sankaran




This work by Rajan Sankaran conveys the essential idea or the “sensations” of 20 plant families such as: Anacardiaceae - Cactaceae - Compositae - Fungi - Labiatae - Liliflorae - Magnoliales - Malvales - Ranunculaceae - Rubiaceae - Solanaceae - Umbelliferae.
Here Sankaran develops for the first time a kind of “periodic table” of the plant remedies, schematically arranged using a dual-coordinate system of a botanical family theme modulated by a miasm. It is already clear that this approach enables less well-known plants to be prescribed with success.

This book is a breakthrough in the homeopathic systematization of plant remedies. In its importance for a new view of the plant kingdom, it is aptly compared to Scholten’s vision of the periodic table for the mineral kingdom. Although many authors have worked previously with the concept of botanical families, Sankaran has created a new approach, which unifies the families and the miasms in one new system for the first time. He calls the theme of each plant family as a ‘sensation’, and the individual way of reaction in disease is identified with the particular miasm the patient is in. These two parameters make up the whole two-dimensional system. It is easy to apply as soon as the two parameters of sensation and miasm are understood in depth. The book contains the ‘sensations’ of 20 plant families, deducted by a unique search and sifting technique of the materia medica programs, which he describes in this book. We thus find the hypothetic themes of Anacardiaceae, Berberidaceae, Cactaceae, Compositae, Coniferae, Euphorbiaceae, Fungi, Hamamelidaceae, Labiatae, Liliflorae, Loganiaceae, Magnoliales, Malvales, Papaveraceae, Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rubiaceae, Solanaceae, Umbelliferae, and Violales.The work on this book led the author to elaborate on another multi-dimensional system. This new step is taken in ‘The Sensation in Homeopathy’.



New releases

Orchids in Homeopathy by Lou Klein



Orchids are one of the largest and most fascinating plant families in the world. In spite of that, they have been poorly represented in homeopathy. Renowned homeopath Louis Klein has produced a comprehensive and trail-blazing guide to this compelling plant family. He initiated ‘The Orchid Project’ to encourage study, sowing seeds which have grown into the extensive provings, materia medica and clinical data offered here.

The material combines a wealth of background information, analysis and intuitive insights to identify key themes for the Orchidaceae family. These include a conflict between spirituality and materialism with a strong sexuality and search for perfectionism. They have proven to be powerful remedies in children with ADHD, dyslexia, speech difficulties and other learning disorders. Orchid remedies are increasingly needed in the “new child” that is overly adapted to technology and affected by it, leading to disorders of the autism-spectrum and Asperger’s. There are physical affinities for sexual organs, feet and body orifices, with prominent neurological symptoms, as well as fungal infections and allergies.

Detailed, nuanced portraits are offered for over thirty individual Orchid remedies like Vanilla planifolia and Cypripedium pubescens as well as many new remedies. Their lesser-known ‘dark side’ is fully explored, along with a host of other new perspectives, such as relationships to Fungal and Animal groups.

Louis Klein has the rare ability to transform the knowledge of provings into clear essences, thus helping homeopaths include this important remedy group in their daily prescriptions.


The botanical system in homeopathy by Michal Yakir



Michal Yakir is originally a botanist and has been enthusiastically working for more than 20 years on the homeopathic themes of the plant remedies. The result is a botanical system based on Cronquist (the pre-genetic system before the introduction of the APG system of taxonomy). Her system defines the homeopathically relevant themes of botanical groups, which also makes it possible to prescribe relatively unknown remedies. In this contribution she presents an overview of her ideas.

Using a table with six columns, she distinguishes six major groups to which she assigns particular themes. From left to right, the columns depict the development of the individual ego, from complete oneness with the mother through to separation and egocentricity. Each group corresponds to a particular feeling, such as being right at the beginning, just being born: Magnoliidae, with a state of confusion, naivety and instability. As Michal Yakir describes the significance of the columns, we can see that the development of the plants reflects not only individual development of the ego, but also the development of human history.

It is hugely rewarding and interesting to learn about this fascinating plant system.



Cancer and Homeopathy by Jean Lionel Bagot



The treatment of cancer has made enormous progress in recent years. Yet, sufferers frequently have to endure numerous side effects, taking a serious toll on their quality of life.

Dr Jean-Lionel Bagot and his team in Strasbourg have been very successful in treating the various side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and hormone therapy for many years. With homeopathy as supplementary treatment, these side effects, as well as other problems resulting from the illness itself, can be noticeably reduced.

In this definitive work, Dr Bagot describes systematically and in detail which homeopathic remedies have proved effective for particular side effects – including nausea, sensory disturbances, loss of hair, mouth ulcers during chemotherapy, fatigue and pain after surgery, psychological problems, a weakened immune system, and skin irritation caused by radiotherapy.

Dr Bagot sees four thousand cancer patients a year and therefore has great experience and expertise in this area. His advice is very specific and to the point. For each type of chemotherapy, he offers targeted homeopathic guidelines to combat the side effects of each particular medicine.

Homeopathy is shown to be the perfect complement to conventional treatment. The book is written in an accessible style with user-friendly recommendations. It is an invaluable tool both for patients and for physicians.




Categories: Reviews
Keywords: panorama


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