2007 June

Testing and producing remedies / kinesiology

by Ralf Jürgens
Kinesiology and homeopathy

Kinesiology; many forms, one principle:
To measure the patient's unconscious tension of muscles when exposed to a stimulus. I use a very reduced, simple form, nevertheless it is a steady assistant to me for 13 years. Although with a lingering unease, not to be able to decide by intellect or pure intuition, the major side in me says a thousand thanks and more for this instrument that has shown me, in an uncountable number of cases, the way.

Two initial experiences with this method:
1. Regular anamnesis, when searching the hierarchy of symptoms I decided "disappointed love" to be the cause.
Kinesiology: no disappointed love at all, but grief about the father who was shot during the flight 1944. (homeopaths with a finer noses than mine might have seen the problem of the case directly, I needed this way).
2. Second example: Anamnesis, hierarchy, repertorization, Sulfur, Kali-s and Kali-c were farely prominent. During anamnesis one curious symptom occurred: drinking cold water causes palpitation. Only one remedy in the first degree, Thuja. Well, I thought, I can take it to the other remedies to be tested. Sulf, Kali-c, Kali-s failed completely to respond. Thuja in all potencies from C30 to XM showed full reaction. The C200 worked well. Strong pain in knees after two days (former symptom), then a content patient who phoned after one year to get another dose.
So far two of many examples, why I do not want to miss this method.

Back to Jan Scholten system and the question how to decide between the various chemic possibilities.
Those colleagues who have no problems deciding by intellect or/and intuition – my respect! For me I'm thankful to have this possibility to write on slips of paper the name/formula of the substance and the different potencies and test it. Also concerning the potency, I feel much better to be able to adapt it to the individual patient then to use a scheme.

For about one year I have used the system of Jan Scholten 99%, and within this system I concentrate almost totally on the psychic themes of the patients. I think it is aiming at the center more than for example, characteristic physical symptoms.

One problem: children and old people. The former often are not able, the latter not willing, to tell of their psychic problems.
A way out; to test the series and stages. The main complaint can be anchored in the patient so his reactions during the test only concern the main complaint. You can test which series equalize the stress reaction of the main complaint and within the successful series, which stages.
In patients, who are eager to tell about their psyche, but just do not know what is going on within themselves, this test offers an interesting possibility to change several times from anamnesis to test, back to anamnesis and so on.

Slip of paper potentization (SOPP)
A strange, unbelievable (and to be forbidden simple?!?) procedure:
The patients write the name or chemic formula plus potency on a slip of paper, put a glass with a third of water on it, let it rest there for ten minutes (cautious natures as me advise half an hour), take a gulp and watch the astonishing results.
A method without any scientific proof and it is better to tell this to your patients, otherwise you could be accused of fraud. I tell of my experiences and suggest you read the book of Masaru Emoto "Die Botschaft de Wassers" (Messages from Water) vol. 1 to see the effect of different words in freezing water. No proof at all, but a help to be able to start an attempt. By now I have four books of this which wander from patient to patient.
I would not have been able to prescribe the various non-ionic compounds which have not been potentized yet, or compounds that are not known yet in substance up to now, only theoretically possible. Not to mention those substances, the potentization of which is not possible at least up to today (for example natrum metallicum, astatinum, all the highly radioactive and rapidly disintegrating elements).
Further ideas: what about chemic instable radicals like O, instead of O2; H, in stead of H2; or even ions (Na+ etc.). (Or still more strange: protons, electrons, subatomic pieces... well, only a marginal idea. It requires someone to give us an idea of the meaning of those preparations.)

My results since December 2006 leave no wishes unfulfilled (not more than my prescriptions of tinctures and globuli). Sometimes I get the impression, they need repetition more often than usual potencies. Sometimes they seem to work very rapidly (only as a decription, not to consider this as an advantage), especially using very high potencies (since SOPP I use seldom CM, often MM, regulary C1E+8 to C1E+15). Several times I had to change the remedies quickly; whether quick-acting and bringing another subject to the surface or not having hit the central theme exactly I do not know.

The reactions of colleagues are quite different: unbelieving rejection, unbelieving astonishment, interest but some inner resistance to really believe, „Yes of course, why I didn't get this idea myself?“ And sporadically, a trace of a sneer, the wrong way I think. Despite some annoying legal restrictions, without those chemists and pharmacists sharing our enthusiasm for homeopathy and providing us with well-produced and effective homeopathic remedies, we would not have been able to reach success and development up to now (compare Jan Sholten's valuing Robert Müntz for providing him with the Lanthanide in potency). So I think a moderate use of SOPP (i.e. to order further on those potencies which are available) is an appropriate way to express our value of our chemists and pharmacists colleagues.

Ralf Jürgens

Categories: General
Keywords: homeopathic potentization, slip of paper potentization, SOPP, Masaru Emoto, Jan Scholten


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