Ulrich Welte

Born in 1951, he has been intensively involved in homeopathy since he studied medicine, graduating with a dissertation on “Homeopathy for General Medical Practice.” In the early days, he studied the classical homeopaths, particularly Hahnemann and Kent. He undertook his clinical training in orthodox and holistic hospital settings. In 1983 he established a general practice with his colleague Herbert Sigwart in Kandern, where he has worked since as a homeopath.
He found homeopathic inspiration from the works of G. Vithoulkas, H. V. Müller, Rajan Sankaran and in particular Jan Scholten, with whom he has had ties since 1993.
He is particularly interested in the ongoing development of homeopathic classification (the periodic table, botanical and zoological families) and integrating these with the new methods involving color preference and handwriting. He has given seminars in Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and Japan.

Email: uwelte@homeo.de

Books by this author:

Colors in Homeopathy - Set,
Colors in Homeopathy - Set
€ 29,00
Extended Color Table,
Extended Color Table
€ 15,00
Extended version of the color table meant for professional use. The favourite colour can be determined with greater accuracy.
Colors in Homeopathy,
Colors in Homeopathy
€ 18,00
Colors in Homeopathy - Textbook,
Colors in Homeopathy - Textbook
€ 18,00



Handwriting and Homeopathy,
Handwriting and Homeopathy
€ 18,00

Price reduced from € 38 to only € 18

Farben in der Homöopathie,
Farben in der Homöopathie
€ 18,00
3. völlig neu gestaltete Auflage
The Periodic Table in Homeopathy,
The Periodic Table in Homeopathy
€ 33,00
Le tableau périodique en homéopathie,
Le tableau périodique en homéopathie
€ 6,80
Die Silberserie - Das Periodensystem in der Homöopathie - Mittelfindung durch Serien und Stadien,
Die Silberserie - Das Periodensystem in der Homöopathie - Mittelfindung durch Serien und Stadien
€ 16,00

Überarbeitete Neuauflage

Colores en Homeopatía - Libro de Texto,
Colores en Homeopatía - Libro de Texto
€ 8,00
Color Poster A2,
Color Poster A2
€ 29,00
Great Colour-Poster - addition to the book "Colors in Homeopathy"
Großes Farben-Set,
Großes Farben-Set
€ 59,00
Handschrift und Homöopathie,
Handschrift und Homöopathie
€ 18,00
Farben in der Homöopathie - Set Farbtafeln & Textteil,
Farben in der Homöopathie - Set Farbtafeln & Textteil
€ 29,00
Set Farbtafeln und Textteil
Les couleurs en homéopathie - Set,
Les couleurs en homéopathie - Set
€ 29,00
Farben in der Homöopathie - Textteil,
Farben in der Homöopathie - Textteil
€ 18,00
10. Auflage 2024. Textteil zum Farbatlas
Les couleurs en homéopathie,
Les couleurs en homéopathie
€ 18,00
The Periodic Table in Homeopathy - E-Book,
The Periodic Table in Homeopathy - E-Book
€ 29,00
You will receive an email with a download link 5 min after your order.
Kleines Farben-Set,
Kleines Farben-Set
€ 49,00
Das Periodensystem in der Homöopathie - E-Book,
Das Periodensystem in der Homöopathie - E-Book
€ 29,00
5 Min. nach Bestellung erhalten Sie ein Email, wie Sie das E-Book downloaden können
Colores en Homeopatía - Juego :
Colores en Homeopatía - Juego : "Tabla Ampliada de Colores" y el "Libro de Texto"
€ 48,00
Colores en Homeopatía,
Colores en Homeopatía
€ 44,00